Smartphones have evolved from the convergence of many technologies into a single hand-held device. Today’s smartphones provide cameras, video recorders, personal computers, text messengers, social networkers, schedulers, movie players, TVs, boarding passes, game sources and an almost infinite number of applications.
Because of the smartphone’s incredible connectivity, elements of the home, office and business may be monitored and controlled from a remote location.
Controlling Your Company’s Building from Your Smartphone
Wherever secure access is required to keep people safe and prevent theft, a variety of technological solutions have evolved. Video surveillance, locking and unlocking doors to specific areas, and even remotely monitoring entries and exits are functions that may be controlled and accessed from a secure smartphone.
Securing Senior Facilities
In the case of senior care facilities, for example, controlling access and exit is a crucial activity. Restricting unauthorized entry and preventing patients from wandering are essential to the safety of the residents. Installing and maintaining the proper systems for secure access control is essential and this investment can save money, manpower and time while enhancing security.
There are four major reasons to change from a traditional key-operated access to protection from an IT-intensive, smartphone-operated entry system. The reasons are:
1. When a disgruntled employee leaves, a physical key may or may not be retrieved. This compromises security and can require a complete replacement of locks and keys, a time-intensive and costly occurrence. With an electronic system, reprogramming is far simpler and less expensive.
2. Lost keys or access cards may end up in the wrong hands. Smartphones can be set to protect accessibility information with passwords.
3. Tracking and recording employee and resident movement is easy and automatic with a sophisticated access system. Administrators are able to monitor movements with their smartphones, even while they are away from their desks or points of control.
4. Monitoring security systems with smartphones allows administrators and security personnel to walk about the facilities to provide additional security. This may result in lower manpower requirement. Also, by roaming, the administrator may confront an emergency that is occurring and react immediately, calling for help with the ever-present smartphone.
Malfunction Alerts
While remote access management is highly sophisticated, doors, locks and latches must still be maintained in top condition. However, faulty closure of entry points with properly programmed sensors will send alerts to administrator smartphones.
Take a step back and think about the capabilities of your current access control system. Can you control your system remotely, using your smartphone?