Smart Bluetooth Door Locks

When we say that Technology Install Partners can help you and your business with all things security and life safety, we mean it! We offer so many different services and resources to help you keep your property safe and secure. One product we offer that many industries can benefit from is our Bluetooth locks.

How Does a Bluetooth Lock Work?

Our Bluetooth locks are extremely easy to use and can keep your property and tools safe from theft. With the free app, anyone that you give the code to can access your property for the items they need. 

The best part about this system is that it offers notifications so you can control who has access and when they can access it. 

What are Bluetooth Locks Used For?

There are so many industries that can utilize our Bluetooth locks! Many Technology Install Partner customers who use these locks come from the following industries…

Multitenant Properties

Apartment buildings or condo complex owners enjoy these lock systems because it not only helps keep their facilities safe from unwanted guests, but it also helps keep their property clean. 

These locks are often used with the trash areas to help keep unwanted dumping and overflow.


Restaurant owners can also use these locks to keep their dumper area clean and under control from unwanted dumping and overflow. 

Cellular Towers and Utility Industry

Oftentimes, cellular towers are in a remote location with now access to WIFI; the Bluetooth locks allow you to control these areas and audit who and when someone has accessed it. 

Construction and Manufacturing Industry

These industries also use Bluetooth locks to keep their property and tools safe from theft. Whether they use them for their tool rooms or lockboxes, the Bluetooth locks make it easy to keep track of who uses your tools. 

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Ryan Temple

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